When you create a job, you’ll have an opportunity to include an auto-reply letter that will be sent to Job Seekers who apply to your job ad via Monster’s Apply Online feature. You can either select a letter from your Hiring Library or create a new letter. If you choose an existing letter, you can send it as it is, or customize if for the job ad. If you create a new letter, or update an existing letter, you can save it for future use by selecting the Save Letter to Hiring Library option.
You can also add an auto-reply letter to your job ad after your job has been created. Simply click the edit link associated with the ad on the Manage Job ads page, followed by the Auto-Reply tab. You can then choose an existing letter or create a new letter to include with your ad. You can also stop sending a letter that’s included with a ad on this page.
Letters can be viewed, edited, and created independently of a job ad by hovering over Your Account and selecting Hiring Library. Options are on the left side of the screen.
Step-by-step instructions:
If you have not written any auto-response letters yet:
1. Create a job as usual.
2. Choose Auto-Reply Letter from the “Get more out of your job ad!” section.
3. To create a letter either select New Letter and write one, or use one of the Saved Letters.
4. Click Add Letter.
5. You can click on the Home tab and the Auto-reply letter should be added to the job ad.
If you have already used an auto-response letter before:
1. Create a job ad as usual.
2. Complete the first two pages and click Continue.
3. If you wish to create a screening questionnaire, do so here. If not, click Skip.
4. To create a letter either select New Letter and write one, or use a Saved Letter.
5. Click Continue.
6. Finish the ad as usual.
Smart Fields allow you to create a letter that can be sent to different candidates for different jobs, but automatically include the correct content. You can select:
· Date(this will automatically display the date on which you send the letter)
· Sender’s first name (this will automatically display the first name of the user who sends the letter)
· Sender’s last name (this will automatically display the last name of the user who sends the letter)
· Sender’s email address (this will automatically display the email address of the user who sends the letter)
· Recipient’s first name (this will automatically display the first name of the candidate you are sending the letter to)
· Recipient’s last name (this will automatically display the last name of the candidate you are sending the letter to)
· Recipient’s email address (this will automatically display the email address of the candidate you are sending the letter to)
· Job Title from Job ad (this will automatically display the title of the job ad the candidate applied to)
· Job Seeker’s Unique Resume Identifier (this will automatically display the resume value of the candidate’s resume)