
Bullhorn: Cloud Search Getting Started Guide

Ready to redefine the way you find and manage talent? Cloud Search will connect to your Bullhorn database to return candidates that are ranked and scored for you.

First, from the Marketplace select Monster US. Then, select your Company Name Bullhorn Candidates database.

Job Title

Enter an industry standard title. The type ahead feature will provide you with a dropdown list of titles. Click on Add Another Job Title to add additional titles. Exclude numbers and non-text characters in your job title search ($, !, %, etc.).

  • You don’t have to use a job title in your search. In the case of a very niche set of job skills, the title may not help the search. Instead, leave it blank and use the skills field to build out your search criteria.

Years of Experience

Enter your desired years of experience. The best practice is to use a large range or use the plus sign to create a minimum amount of experience for the search.

For example 5+, will return those candidates who have a minimum of 5 years of experience or more. If you enter 1-2, the search will return those candidates who list exactly 12 to 24 months of experience.


Enter your job location. You can enter a location as a city, state, area code, ZIP code or some abbreviations (Bay Area and County).

Select the authorized to work checkbox to include only job seekers authorized to work in countries associated with the locations you select. It will exclude seekers who did not complete the section.


Add in the desired skills/keywords. You want to include criteria that will narrow down your pool of candidates to people who are the perfect fit.

  • Nice to have will influence the ranking of the candidates. Required will exclude candidates who do not list the criteria on their resumes.

Resumes Updated

Since this is your Bullhorn/Cloud database, searching All Resumes will ensure you find all candidates that are a good fit. You can also limit your results to a specific time frame using the dropdown menu.


Status will allow you to search by Bullhorn status (available or new lead) in your Cloud database.

Search Results

Once the search results appear, you can click the view in Bullhorn link or click on the seeker’s name to view the Monster version of the resume.