How job boards help you find candidates

Hiring the right person can make or break your business, and you’ve got to use every tool at your disposal if you want to find the right fit—including job boards. Your goal is to bring on talented professionals today who will stick by your business tomorrow, and that’s a tricky and trying task in any economy.
Job boards are an effective, low cost to no-cost sourcing channel that can make life easier for you by driving lots of eyeballs to your job posting while delivering a deep pool of talent to recruit and hire from. Basically, companies list their open positions on job boards and often accept job applications through the site.
Monster has the distinction of being the world’s first job board, and we are proud to have created the category. Monster’s reach gives you the benefit of accessing millions of candidates with one posting, and having a large arsenal of HR technology on one platform, without having to make a huge technology investment.
So if you’ve been asking yourself. “Why should I use job boards for hiring?” we’ve got more than a few good reasons:
Job boards tap into a vast pool of talent
Leverage job boards to advertise an open position and zero in on a vast and diverse pool of candidates. They tell you who is available, right this second. If it’s a niche position, a speciality board can help you zero in on the best fit suited to the distinct skill set and experience for that role. Just make sure your job ad stands out. ‘Borrow’ a few ideas from engaging posts and zero in on key words so you increase your chances of getting in front of the most qualified rock-star candidate.
Job boards integrate with your ATS
Job boards are an excellent way to get resumes in front of you that meet your requirements. They typically integrate with your own Applicant Tracking System to optimally mange candidates and job applications. Easily review, filter and prioritize candidates so you can quickly reach out and start a conversation. Most job boards are candidate-focused and user-friendly, so there’s a fluid and efficient candidate application experience, and they’ll be happy to hear from you.
Job boards save time and money
Time equals money and conducting your own talent search eats up valuable resources. Working with a skilled recruiter or staffing firm can be costly. Cut your recruitment budget by investing in a reputable job board, and you won’t have to pay any professional a percentage of your candidate’s salary when you score a great hire. Businesses can upload job postings for free on some boards or pay a small fee to promote their postings to connect with qualified job seekers. The available tools, talent and advertising opportunities on job boards can be surprisingly inexpensive for what you get.
Job boards refine the candidate pool
If you aren’t happy with quality and quantity of candidates responding to your online career postings, or are disappointed with candidates you speak with by phone, job boards can help prioritize your talent search, and reach a broader spectrum of candidates from unexpected sectors. Job boards often specialize by industry, location or career type. They can also help refine the candidate pool which cuts down on the number of unfit candidates who apply, and saves time scanning through CVs.
Job boards use digital recruitment technology
Take advantage of the fantastic digital recruitment tech tools and solutions that some job boards employ to help you out with your hiring needs. If searching resumes is the bane of your business existence, get specialized tech help with SearchMonster. To really connect with potential candidates, use job posting enhancements like Monster Studios app, which let you create a video to go along with your job posting.
Job boards connect to social platforms
Reach farther and wider by connecting your posts to Google, and you can also integrate your website to this popular search engine for oodles of extra visibility. An integrated approach means being seen on countless social platforms and surfacing your listing to precisely the job seekers that are most qualified. The more social the better for enlarging the talent pool of active and potential passive candidates.
Job boards elevate your brand
Maybe you’re not so well known or your career site doesn’t get much traffic. Job boards can help with employer branding and getting company career information to prospective candidates. Your job board postings provide intel about your company and interested candidates may possibly Google your organization for more about your brand, culture and vision. This brings in traffic to other related job opportunities you’re advertising. No matter how good your dedicated recruitment website may be, complimenting your candidate search with the convenience of job boards increases your visibility and ability to attract top hires.
Today talent sourcing is a competitive endeavour and requires a mix of recruitment marketing tools. Including job boards in your recruiting toolbox can help you stand out in the recruitment race. Check out what Monster has to offer and get help finding your next great hire.