Why You Need to Be Investing in Mobile Recruitment

By Joe Issid
Monster Contributing Writer
There is a well-known meme circulating on the internet that claims more people in the world own a mobile phone than own a toothbrush. While this may sound like a sensational claim that is impossible to substantiate, fortunately, the folks at 60 Second Marketer were able to determine that this assertion is, in all probability, true. Let that sink in for a second. Given that 64% of American adults own a smartphone (with 90% of all American adults owning a cell phone of some kind), it is clear that mobile usage has been adopted whole-heartedly and universally. As such, it stands to reason that most companies need to be catering to any and all digital requests that are coming through from mobile devices. We are no longer entering into the mobile era; we have been in it for quite some time. If your company is not ready to embrace it, well, this article will demonstrate how much trouble you really are in.
Behavioural changes
The advent of mobile technology has fundamentally changed the way we function as humans. Heck, mobile devices are even contributing to physical postural changes in our youth. Notwithstanding these potential evolutionary implications, mobile technology is changing how people search – and apply – for jobs. 43% of people surveyed have mentioned that they have used their mobile devices to look up a job posting online, with 18% actually submitting a job application from their mobile device. In fact, nearly 30% of Monster’s job seeker traffic uses a mobile device. Clearly, having mobile-ready interfaces are not nice-to-have luxuries anymore; failure to have an appropriate platform in place will sound the death knell for any recruitment initiative.
Millennial army
The Millennials are coming and there is nothing you can do stop them! At some point this year, Millennials will comprise the largest living generation. And the workforce will surely reflect this demographic change; in fact, it has been estimated that 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials within the next 10 years. I don’t think I need to spell this out any further. Failure to attract top Millennial talent will kill your recruiting efforts. Plain and simple.
Google juice
As we all know, Google controls the lion’s share of all internet search. As such, if your web site is not on good terms with Google’s indexing and ranking system, your web site is probably not performing terribly well. So, what does one need to do to ensure search engine success? Well, for starters, Google announced that “we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal”. This means that all web owners will need to take this into serious consideration when designing (or launching) any new web products. If you are not factoring in mobile traffic to your career site(s), even Google is going to begin punishing you for it.
Personally, I subscribe to the ethos of frictionless interaction. If you are looking to launch a recruitment campaign, one of your primary focuses should be on creating an interface that allows candidates to apply for a position with the greatest of ease. Designing a mobile site or app places a renewed emphasis on user interaction and how to produce a career site that is both attractive and functional but on a smaller physical scale. After all, a mobile screen is (by many factors) smaller than the average desktop display. By implementing a mobile platform it forces you to simplify your job application process and make it more intuitive and appealing to your cherished candidates.
Improve reputation
Personally, I have refrained from applying for seemingly interesting jobs simply because the application process was too onerous. This certainly negatively impacts a company’s reputation even before a candidate has had any form of meaningful interaction with it. I shudder to think how many quality candidates are lost due to poorly designed or backward application interfaces. In today’s digital landscape, candidates are far more informed and selective than ever before. As such, make sure that their first impression is a good one.
According to a 2014 talent acquisition report from Jibe, 60% of job seekers abandon an online application (or have lost their data entry while in progress). These staggering numbers clearly demonstrate that job applicants dread the application process and experience numerous issues dealing with online applicant tracking systems (ATS).
Fortunately, Monster can help your company sidestep these issues. Monster can now help you envision and create a mobile-accessible application platform that will ensure all your candidates will have a smooth intuitive job application experience that will dramatically reduce abandoned job applications. Imagine having a system that will be able to track all abandoned applications and have the capacity to gently remind the applicant to complete their submission from where they left off. Monster can work with virtually any existing ATS and can help transform your online black hole into a thriving digital recruitment weapon.
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