How to Interview

Learn how to conduct an interview, including sample interview questions, how to follow up with candidates, and industry-specific interviewing tips.

All How to Interview guides

Closing the Soft Skills Gap in the Canadian Workforce

If you’re having trouble finding workers with the skills you need to compete, you’re not alone. More than 80 percent of employers report that they are experiencing a skills gap — particularly a soft skills gap — in their workplace. Surprisingly, the hardest to find qualifications aren’t tech-focused hard skills. The top 10 soft skills…

Top 10 Phone Interview Questions
Use these top 10 phone interview questions to quickly get the information you need from candidates during your screening process.
The Benefits of Behavioral Interviewing

Learn how behaviour-based interviewing can help you get past first impressions and ultimately improve your hiring.

Interview Tips for the Interviewer

If you don’t have a human resources department to guide you along, here are tips for how to prepare for and conduct a job interview.

The Value of Peer-to- Peer Interviewing for Hiring and Retention

What are the benefits of the peer-to-peer interview, and how do you conduct one? Check out these best practices.