How to screen candidates

Learn how to screen candidates, including how to conduct a phone screen, reference-checking tips, and tricks for sorting applications.

Featured How to screen candidates guides

The Value of Peer-to- Peer Interviewing for Hiring and Retention
What are the benefits of the peer-to-peer interview, and how do you conduct one? Check out these best practices.
Write a Job Description that Stands Out
Learn how to write a job description that attracts the right candidates to hire a team to help your business reach and exceed its goals.
Closing the Soft Skills Gap in the Canadian Workforce
If you’re having trouble finding workers with the skills you need to compete, you’re not alone. More than 80 percent of employers report that they are experiencing a skills gap — particularly a soft skills gap — in their workplace. Surprisingly, the hardest to find qualifications aren’t tech-focused hard skills. The top 10 soft skills...
How to use video interviews to screen candidates
Just when you had mastered face-to-face job interviews, along came COVID-19. Almost overnight the virus changed basic hiring procedures.As a result, remote interviewing is the new norm. Fortunately, vetting potential staff via phone, email and video had already been on the rise, particularly in the initial screening process.Now that via video conferencing and video calls are more prevalent, you might not even need to meet an applicant in-person for lower-level positions. As for more senior roles, you could defer face-to-face sessions until after initial video scrutiny. This trend is one that may extend far beyond the coronavirus pandemic, which makes mastering the video interview process essential.
6 Psychological Biases That Trip Up Interviewers
While some are harmless stereotypes other biases can render your impressions invalid. Being aware of them can help your hiring acumen.
1 Good Reason to Credit Check Applicants – And 5 Not To!
With so much information in background searches, must you pry into someone’s finances?

All How to screen candidates guides

Write a Job Description that Stands Out
Learn how to write a job description that attracts the right candidates to hire a team to help your business reach and exceed its goals.
Closing the Soft Skills Gap in the Canadian Workforce

If you’re having trouble finding workers with the skills you need to compete, you’re not alone. More than 80 percent of employers report that they are experiencing a skills gap — particularly a soft skills gap — in their workplace. Surprisingly, the hardest to find qualifications aren’t tech-focused hard skills. The top 10 soft skills…

How to use video interviews to screen candidates
Just when you had mastered face-to-face job interviews, along came COVID-19. Almost overnight the virus changed basic hiring procedures.As a result, remote interviewing is the new norm. Fortunately, vetting potential staff via phone, email and video had already been on the rise, particularly in the initial screening process.Now that via video conferencing and video calls are more prevalent, you might not even need to meet an applicant in-person for lower-level positions. As for more senior roles, you could defer face-to-face sessions until after initial video scrutiny. This trend is one that may extend far beyond the coronavirus pandemic, which makes mastering the video interview process essential.
6 Psychological Biases That Trip Up Interviewers

While some are harmless stereotypes other biases can render your impressions invalid. Being aware of them can help your hiring acumen.

1 Good Reason to Credit Check Applicants – And 5 Not To!

With so much information in background searches, must you pry into someone’s finances?

Do You Really Care About A Candidate’s Grades?

Finding the right balance between smart and educated

Avoid Wrongful Hiring

Making promises or exaggerations that prove false could be misrepresentation. Protect yourself from “wrongful hiring” lawsuits by watching what you (or your recruiters) say to prospects.

Should you give a candidate feedback after rejecting them?

There are several good reasons to answer inquiries from rejected interviewees.

Track Your Job Applicants Accurately

Every time you post a new job, it becomes a small recruiting campaign. An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can automatically trace most of these sources for you. Here’s what you should know in order make this most effective.

Ooops! The Candidate Gets Too Personal

There you are, just about ready to wrap up the interview. What a great candidate, then…

When Interviewing Really Connect With Candidates

As an interviewer, if you’re doing things during interviews to turn the candidate off you may be disengaging the best applicants.

Social Media and Background Checks

While you’re running the standard background employment check, you could also check out the candidate online. But the risks might outweigh the benefits – so use caution before you click.

The Expanding Role of Personality Assessments

On average, cultural mismatch accounts for about half of first year attrition and, in many cases, rapid turnover costs more than not hiring at all, especially at senior levels.

How to Avoid Getting Stung By Dishonest Candidates

Getting fooled can be costly. You might mistakenly hire someone who can’t perform their duties. Or that person’s dishonesty could spill over into their work habits, causing havoc internally and harming morale in your organization.

Do You Have Interview Intuition?

If we are not consciously paying attention to our intuition when we interview, we are leaving out one of the essential pieces of picking the right person.

How to Spot Liars, Fibbers And Fudgers In Interviews

Hint: their pants won’t be on fire so watch for subtler signs. Sometimes what seems obvious isn’t a sign of lying candidate.