Workforce planning strategy

Topics include: workforce planning, talent engagement, succession planning and more.

Featured Workforce planning strategy guides

Benefits and Perks That Attract Gen Z Employees
Gen X introduced us to work-life balance, Millennials changed the way we communicate, and now Gen Z is starting to make their impact. Coming in fast, 17.1 million Gen Zers entered the labor market last year, and by the end of 2024, it’s expected that this generation will outnumber Baby Boomers in the workforce. In...
Three employees meeting together at a desk.
Hiring Foreign Workers in Canada: 5 Steps
If you're hiring foreign workers in Canada, you will need to follow these practical and legal steps to make sure it's done successfully.
Employee using workplace automation to direct a machine at work
Workplace Automation vs. Hiring: Factors to Consider
There are a number of factors to consider when to hire and when to utilize workplace automation. This primer will help guide you through the process.
Make the Mental Health of Employees Central to Your Recruitment Strategy
The wellness and mental health of employees is not only important to candidates, but adding it to your recruitment strategy can help you attract top talent.
Remote onboarding: Best practices to welcome new hires virtually
Virtual onboarding with email and video conferencing is challenging. Here's how companies are welcoming new hires without physically welcoming new hires. 
Can you prevent downsizing by accessing government funding?
Having to lay off workers is one of the most agonizing decisions a business owner or manager can make. When revenues plunge suddenly, e.g. as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, that choice is even more excrutiating. Staying afloat may take precedence over keeping staff aboard.

All Workforce planning strategy guides

How Much Does Onboarding New Employees Cost?

Think of all the wasted time and money spent in the recruiting process if your new hire jumps ship early on. Keep these tips in mind when bringing in a new hire.

Resources for Small to Medium Business Owners

Here some Canadian resources that are available to entrepreneurs to help them get the back up that they need to run their businesses effectively.

The Ideal Turnover Rate

All HR professionals want to know how much turnover is acceptable. But who’s leaving and why are the important questions to ask.

Older Employees

They stay in their jobs. Lower turnover means lower recruitment and training costs that eat at corporate profit and stability.

Recruiting Solutions: NAFTA

Whether you need accountants, engineers, teachers, or health care professionals, the NAFTA has made it simple for Canadian employers to hire American and Mexican professionals.

The Engagement Cycle

Employers and candidates follow a clear three-step process during their relationship. This article from Finding Keepers explains each phase.

Culture-Based Recruiting: Hire for the Organization, Not Just the Job

When bringing new people on, think about the big picture. How they will fit in? How will they enhance retention?

Good Pruning Pointers

Trimming employees should be a perpetual practice, not just saved for layoff time. Learn how it’s done.